In this interview, Elliott will share his career story, giving insights, and advice on success,
drive and innovation, navigating his first ten years into the entertainment industry. followed
by an audience Q&A.
After the explosion of the third golden age of TV fiction and the rise of subscription models through streaming platforms, where is the media ecosystem - specifically television - headed next?
Els avenços tecnològics, els nous formats i l'eclosió de canals per consumir i distribuir contingut audiovisual suposen un repte adaptatiu per a l'educació universitària en comunicació audiovisual.
During this hour session consisting of presentations and a panel discussion, attendees will learn about the smart home industry and discover the many career opportunities within this profession. Hear from leading CEDIA integrator companies, manufacturers, and affiliates as they work to inspire the future workforce of the smart home industry.
13:00: Overview of CEDIA and the Smart Home Industry
13:10: Presentation from CEDIA Member Ouro/Wired Automation
Conoceremos varios proyectos de creación propia basados en nuevas tecnologías procedentes del Pitching Audiovisual Universidad-Industria 2024, organizado anualmente por el Clúster Audiovisual de Catalunya. Se presentarán Eclipe, de Lara Fusalba, El cignes salvatges, de Laia Tarragó, Espectres de Clàudia Peguera, Estudi i visualització de les característiques tèxtils a través del mitjà audiovisual, INSTINT(O): fuera dentro, dentro fuera, de Paula Martín García, i Momentums, de Bet Pons.
Bridging the skills gap and addressing the challenges and opportunities in audiovisual talent development. The International Observatory of Talent Keynote is given by Sarah Joyce, Chief Global Officer at AVIXA, on the paper she and ISE Managing Director, Mike Blackman, co-authored on the challenges and opportunities facing the AudioVisual industry and on finding and keeping the right talent.
Richard Wear is joined by Breakthrough Talent Award winners join us to talk about their experiences and share advice. AV, Audio, Video, Lighting Newcomers of the Year 2024.
This newcomers panel will give you a firsthand look at the early career experiences of professionals who are about to enter or have recently entered the industry. Listen to their stories of challenges, learning, and growth as they navigate the path from newcomers to established professionals.