Morten Fjeld
Morten Fjeld is a professor of Human-Computer Interaction at the University of Bergen (Norway) and Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden). His research activities are situated in the field of Human-Computer Interaction with a focus on tangible and tabletop user computing. In 2005, he founded the t2i Interaction Lab at Chalmers, Sweden. He holds a dual MSc degree in applied mathematics from NTNU (Trondheim, Norway) and ENSIMAG (Grenoble, France), and a PhD from ETH (Zurich, Switzerland). In 2002, Morten Fjeld received the ETH Medal for his PhD titled "Designing for Tangible Interaction". In 2011, he was a visiting professor at NUS Singapore, in 2016 and 2017 at Tohoku University, Japan, and in 2019 to 2020 at ETH Zurich. Morten Fjeld also has extensive industrial experience in the areas of fluid mechanics, simulators, and user interface design.
07-Feb-2025CC5.1Beyond Platform Television: So what's new?