Thierry Koscielniak
Arts et Métiers Institute of Technology is one of France’s oldest and best engineering schools specializing in mechanical, industrial and energy engineering. It has more than 250 years of tradition in technical innovation and industrial engagement. Arts et Métiers Institute of Technology, founder member of the French Alliance for Industry of the Future, is a key player in accompanying French and European industry, through its high level academic programs and its cutting edge research activities in the major fields of Industry 4.0, mainly corobotics, advanced manufacturing systems, production systems, virtual & augmented reality.
Thierry is president and founder of France Immersive Learning, the French association for XR learning stakeholders. He is member of Apereo Board and Karuta Open Source Portfolio Governing Board. During his career Thierry has always been deeply involved in the use and promotion of open source EdTech: Moodle, Sakai, uPortal, Karuta, Mahara, H5P and others.
He believes and is committed in strong international networking and was a presenter at several conferences: EUNIS, JASIG, MoodleMoot, EDUCAUSE, Online Educa Berlin, Integrated System Europe. He was the first European member of the EDUCAUSE 2019 annual conference Program Committee.
Thierry is Vice-President of EUNIS and leader of the EUNIS Emerging Tech Watch Special Interest Group dedicated to AI and XR watch. He is a former president of CSIESR, French association of IT professionals for higher education and a present Board member. As expert in EdTech in higher education, he performs an active watch and research on digital learning and presently the pedagogical uses of virtual reality and augmented reality. He is member of the Immersive Learning Squad of the European Digital Education Hub. Thierry completed his PhD in computational chemistry and molecular design at Sorbonne University in Paris.
05-Feb-2025CC5.1The Future of Learning