Peter Aylett
Officina Acustica
Peter is a partner at Officina Acustica who hand
craft high performance interiors for private cinemas, screening rooms and
studios combining acoustics, interior design and room build. He is a 30+
year industry veteran and in demand globally as a speaker in
human-centric residential technology, and private cinema experience
engineering. Peter has taught on behalf of CEDIA for 20+ years, is a CEDIA
Fellow, and chairs the CEDIA/CTA R10 Standards Committee and the CEDIA/CTA R10 audio workgroup.
30-Jan-2024CC1.4Business Strategies for an Accelerating Future: A Design Thinking Workshop
01-Feb-2024CC1.1Room Acoustics for Better Bass
01-Feb-2024CC1.1Immersive Audio Design Excellence Workshop
31-Jan-2024Smart Home Technology StageObjective vs Subjective. Does standards based engineering deliver exceptional experiences?
31-Jan-2024Smart Home Technology StageImmersive Audio Design Recommended Practice: What is it and why should I care?
02-Feb-2024Smart Home Technology StageTop 5 Opportunities for 2024