Paco Guzman


Paco Guzman

Paco Guzman

Research Scientist Manager, Meta AI
Paco is Research Scientist Manager at Meta AI. He works in the field of machine translation with the aim to break language barriers. He joined Meta in 2016 and has co-led several initiatives in translation: SeamlessM4T (recently recognized as one of TIME's 2023 inventions of the year), No Language Left Behind, and FLORES. His research has been published in top-tier NLP venues like ACL, EMNLP. He was the co-chair of the Research director at AMTA (2020-2022) and Ethics co-chair at EMNLP 2023. He has organized several research competitions focused on low-resource translation and data filtering. Paco obtained his PhD in Intelligent Systems from the Tecnológico de Monterrey (ITESM) in Mexico in 2011 and was a visiting scholar at the LTI-CMU from 2008 to 2009. Paco was a post-doc and scientist at Qatar Computing Research Institute in Qatar in 2012-2016.

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