Lara Smirnova
Esports host, scriptwriter, and content manager
Lara Smirnova is a professional with more than 12 years of experience in the world of digital entertainment, video games and esports. As a host, scriptwriter and freelance content manager, she has worked for brands such as Movistar Plus, Movistar Riders, Vodafone Yu, Esports Vodafone and Red Bull. She has hosted events such as Red Bull Gladiators, in the Roman Theatre of Mérida, Blast Pro Series Madrid or the usual Gamergy, Dreamhack, Gamepolis, Leading Girls (Tech), TaleMto (Tech) or IndieDevDay. Now she works as a freelance content manager for different proyects such as Fundación ONCE or Bandai Namco, and she also leads the storytelling in the European women's competition of Riot Games, Valorant Game Changers.