Florian Krueger has over 20 years of broad and deep knowledge of thedigital space and the potential within.
Florian launched several ventures, such as the Craft Coin Company ormore recently, UNYTED, to create future-tech use cases of real-lifeexamples of successful disruption.
He is passionate about tying all initiatives back to the strategic objectiveswhich facilitate usable outcomes. Florian has studied InsuranceEconomics in Munich and Business IT Management at MIT.
He has taught The Value of IT (Data, Digital, etc.), Blockchain/DLT (IoT,Cognitive) to name a few. With Florian’s expertise in customer journeys,data, and enterprise, he has been a valuable partner/ adviser ofcompanies such as BMW, Danone, Statoil, BoA, Minfo, DLT Partners, Citi,and EnergyDeck.