An experience and knowledge-based methodology delivered by global CEDIA Instructor Keith Jones. Join this innovative course to understand how maintaining high standards in world leading smart building design helps build your reputation. Aimed at business owners & system designers alike, this course explores the specific design methodologies that can be applied to each phase of a smart home or building project from pre-sale right through to handover and beyond.
Presented in bite-sized sections aligned with the phases of a project with Q&A in-between to help ensure the attendees fully grasp and digest the concepts contained within the course. The aim of this course is to ensure that attendees understand and can apply the design methodologies required at each phase to deliver a successful smart home or building project, regardless of the brands or equipment chosen.
Additionally, it covers the design documents required at each phase of a project and how to ensure these are delivered in the correct format and at the right time.
Here is a sneak peek at the learning objectives contained within this course:
· Identify the fundamental concepts of design methodology.
· Apply various design methodologies to each project phase.
· Describe the design methodologies required at each project phase.
· Interpret the importance of the design methodologies for project success.
The course includes some new thinking on control interface design and looks into what actually defines a truly ‘Smart’ Home or Building. There are also some useful tips on using your project process to give clients confidence in your business and tips on how to turn every project into a money making referral tool without having to make profit sacrifices to keep physical access to your completed projects.
Attendees can expect to walk away with the tools required to put their business on the same level as the architect in the eyes of the client, helping make every client a happy client and every home a smart home!